Children's Center for Mental Arithmetic Extra Brain

Comprehensive intellectual development for children from 5 to 14/15 years old. Allows you to make instant calculations in your mind using a special method of counting "Abacus".

What is ExtraBrain

Structured Skill Enhancement Initiative for Children (Aged 5 to 14/15): Leveraging a Distinctive Mental Math Curriculum Integrating Abacus Techniques to Engage Bilateral Brain Stimulation, Fostering Autonomous Learning Proficiency.

The basis of the Extra Brain methodology

Our Children Deserve The Best.

  • Recent studies have shown that the Abacus+Memory+Learning method of mental calculation is effective in the development of the right brain. At first, this idea was only a hypothesis, but the recent development of high tech machinery has helped provide tangible research data. The child shows remarkable improvement in all the subjects including mathematics. The concept of thinking in picture leads to better understanding and enhanced memory, which is basic for all academic studies.
  • Abacus+Memory+Learning math establishes numeric relations in a clear and logical way for children. The abacus mental picture training will elevate memory power and improve memory power of a child. The speed training enables the child to respond to questions promptly. In addition, the speed hearing training encourages the child to dedicate full attention to study by listening more attentively and effectively.

It is a proven fact that the left part of the brain plays a dominant role in the analytical processes, while creative processes mainly take place in the Right part.
Whole brain integration means using the left and the right side of the brain together, which increases the use of your brain by 5-10%. There are several activities that have proven to stimulate the right and the left parts of the brain simultaneously. One of the well known activities is Abacus where brain exercise is done in such a way that it stimulates both parts of the brain, i.e., left and right part simultaneously. Abacusing Mind Math has blended Mind Math via Abacus along with memorizing method and learning technique as a powerful tool for children to be creative and planed.





Why Choose Extra Brain?

It is a proven fact that the left part of the brain plays a dominant role in the analytical processes, while creative processes mainly take place in the Right part. Whole brain integration means using the left and the right side of the brain together, which increases the use of your brain by 5-10%. There are several activities that have proven to stimulate the right and the left parts of the brain simultaneously. One of the well known activities is Abacus where brain exercise is done in such a way that it stimulates both parts of the brain, i.e., left and right part simultaneously. Abacusing Mind Math has blended Mind Math via Abacus along with memorizing method and learning technique as a powerful tool for children to be creative and planed.


Unlike using a pen and paper to add or multiply, the abacus provides an intuitive understanding of the size of the number - something which you do not learn at school.

I Love Math

Learning the methods of Abacs+memory+Learning enables children to solve their questions faster with great accuracy which brings repeated success. This success ripples into interest for Math.

Strengthened Visual Memory

Performing Mental Arithmetic by the process of visualizing abacus in the mind stimulates Visual Memory and its repeated practice allows the brain to think, plan, vision and interpret thought spatially.